
How to automatically book a Too Good To Go magic bag?

First, make sure you have linked your Too Good To Go account to your TGTG Alerts account as detailed above. Please note that automatic booking is only available to Premium or Intensive subscribers:

Open the Too Good To Go app on your phone and take note of the email associated with your Too Good To Go account by clicking on Settings > Account Details.

How to cancel my TGTG Alerts subscription?

Open the Too Good To Go app on your phone and take note of the email associated with your Too Good To Go account by clicking on Settings > Account Details.

Open the Too Good To Go app on your phone and take note of the email associated with your Too Good To Go account by clicking on Settings > Account Details.
Open the Too Good To Go app on your phone and take note of the email associated with your Too Good To Go account by clicking on Settings > Account Details.