Your magic bags are always sold out? We've got you covered!

Not fast enough to grab the best magic bags? No worries, we do it automatically for you!

  • Our algorithm automatically reserves your magic bags directly on your account in less than 10 seconds after it is made available online!
  • Completely secure, you link your Too Good To Go account to your TGTG Alerts account, and we never ask for your password!
  • You always have the last words on your magic bags. When booked, you can cancel them directly in the application.
  • You can update the list of magic bags to auto reserve directly in the Too Good To Go application!
  • Satisfied or money back, you can contact us anytime on Messenger or by email!
  • Already 14153 magic bags automatically reserved!

Say bye to the "sold out" magic bags Tired of the "technical error" when checking out? Not fast enough even with notifications?

Add your favorite magic bags

Link your Too Good To Go account to TGTG Alerts. Add your favorite magic bags to your favorites directly in the Too Good To Go app.

We book the bag

Our algorithm reserves the bag as soon as it becomes available.

You get a notification on your phone

You get a notification on your phone by SMS, WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram, or email to confirm the payment or decline the magic bag.

Pick up your magic bag directly in store!

The magic bag is then reserved and directly available in the app for you to go and pick up!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to automatically reserve the Too Good To Go magic bags?

    TGTG Alerts connects to your Too Good To Go account and automatically reserves your favorite magic bags using the payment method linked to your Too Good To Go account. TGTG Alerts regularly checks the bags in the same way as the application's users, but uses an infrastructure to do so much faster and automated.
  • Why I can't find the magic bag I want?

    If a store didn't put a magic bag for more than one week, it is automatically removed from the application.
  • How do you reserve the bags directly on my Too Good To Go account?

    You first need to link your Too Good To Go account to your TGTG Alerts account. Then, we use the payment method available on your account to process the payment for the magic bag.
  • Is it possible to not reserve the bags if they are available less than 2 hours in advance (non-cancellable)?

    You can enable 'Direct Reservation' directly in your profile (this option is enabled by default). If the option is enabled, we only reserve the magic bag if it is cancellable. Otherwise, you will always receive an email/WhatsApp/Telegram/SMS to inform you when the magic bag is made available.

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